The Poem was written by a wonderfull lady name ~Francine Pucillo~

This Wedding"Renewal of Vows" was held on May 5th,2001.
By Rev.Barry Hall.
Please do not copy or take it.


So many years you've gathered
With love along the way
Holding on to memories
Together now we pray

Today we come together
Expressing love once more
Years have passed before you
Your vows with love endure

These words expressed so freely
With love within your souls
Repeated now with caring
This love has made you whole

So on this very special day
You join hands once again
In front of God and witnesses
Repeat love's words again.


I promise you with all my heart
My love for you will grow
Through every minute of the day
My heart you'll always know

I always will be next to you
Your constant source of love
Giving you the gentlness
God's Blessing from above

Hands that always reach out
Forever they are there
You amd me forever
Our love an endless prayer.


These special words I tell you
From deep within my heart
You mean so very much to me
I've loved you from the atart

Forever I am with you
With love that always binds
To me you are the treasure
The love my heart did find

Our life has been a journey
That never has an end
My soul and yours united
Two hearts one love to blend.








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The wonderful midi is a Medley of Love Songs performed by Margi Harrell and used with her permission.  You may visit her great site where she has CDs for sale along with midis to download HERE.